Media Engineering Eng

Media Engineering

“Offering comprehensive solutions ranging from repairs, digitization, restoration, to cloud system storage.”


  • “Repairing audiovisual materials involves the process of fixing or restoring materials such as videos, audio recordings, or films that have experienced damage.
  • Examples of repairs include fixing physical damage to magnetic tapes, removing scratches on film, or correcting errors in sound recordings.



    • Audiovisual restoration is the process of returning audiovisual material to its original condition or as close to its original condition as possible.
    • This involves physical repairs, removal of defects, and restoration of color and contrast in images or videos.
    • Restoration can also include removing noise or audio damage from sound recordings.”


    • Audiovisual digitization involves converting analog materials (such as magnetic tapes or celluloid film) into digital format.
    • This process enables audiovisual materials to be accessed more easily, stored securely, and played on digital devices.
    • Digitization also ensures continued access to materials in the digital era.